Tuesday, April 20, 2010

LIVE AT 12 BAR 16/04/10

We got offered a gig at 12 BAR last week. It was for the following Friday but we jumped at a chance to do a show at there even at 4 days notice!

I've wanted to play there since I saw THE STEREO JUNKS rip the place up a few years ago and since Hazel had already played there a few times with GINKINTA her last band I was feeling a bit left out of all this 12 BAR gig action, so a massive than you to LONDON CALLIN for putting us on.

It's weird in, any reasonable way the place is an awful venue, the stage is tiny, I've seen bigger dining tables and obscured by a balcony, but it's just SO FUCKING COOL you can't help but love playing there.

We had a pretty good crowd despite being first on. Opening the night combined with the difficulty of changing over gear in such a small space meant I had to leave my lovely new amp at home and we all used the headline bands gear, so a big thank you to ELECTRIC RED DRIVE for sharing amps. I got to play through a huge Fender combo, great amp, but not really my thing, so I guess I struggled a bit with it at first, but once we got going it was all cool as fuck.

The sound in the room was pretty good, but it was loud as hell. So far I've had excellent sound on the video with my camera but I think finally the noise levels were a bit much for it in a quite small space. Even though the sound isn't great I've stuck up all the videos because I think the atmosphere more than makes up for the sound quality. It was just a great night from start to finish!

You can find a couple of the videos below along with a link to a playlist of the whole show.

VISH came down as well and took some cool pics, some of which you'll find below the videos.

BLACK HEART by THE SOHO COBRAS live at 12 BAR. 16/04/10

And these are some of the pics that Vish took: 

We've already been offered another slot at 12 BAR but we couldn't take it because we have another gig booked for the 24th. My singing debut in Aylesbury!

Hopefully we'll be back on stage at 12 BAR soon though...