Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The drunkest most shambolic yet strangely fun gig ever!

We played at what is now my favourite glam/sleaze night a few weeks ago. All hail WHISKY at the Golden Cross in Coventry. It's really cool to play somewhere that the promoter really makes an effort. The room looked great and was full of scantily clad "Whisky Girls" and drunk folk off all descriptions.

Having said that, despite the fact that the night was amazing, the gig itself was a bit of a shambles as the video will show. It turns out that Dave had started drinkingat 9-00am a full 13 hours before we went onstage which with hindsight might not have been such a good idea, but hey, you live and learn. We did have a few technical niggles as well, it was my first gig with my new wireless system and that was giving me a few problem. Rob's advice for the day, NEVER fucking EVER play a gig with a new bit of kit that you haven't plugged in before going on stage. I'll be making sure I have at least one rehearsal to get use to anything I gig with from now on.

We have been invited back though, so when we play again in August we'll definitely be saving the free booze for after we play or maybe just not touch it til an hour before we go on. It was still a fun gig, but not quite the peformance we would have wanted to give. By the last song Steevi had broken 2, yes 2 bass strings and Dave was so fucked that he wasn't playing at all! We still made it through FDR the last track with just one guitar, drums and vocals. Highlights included Dave falling over and even chucking his guitar on the floor.

What a fucking bunch of rock heroes :-)

So here's some fun but very messy live footage from Whisky at The Golden Cross in Coventry.
This is "Shit's going down." 
and this is "FDR" with pretty much just one guitar drums and vocals
and here are some pics.